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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shifting Gears

Hey all,

So as I feared the weight loss the week before last on 4 Hour Body was due to illness. The scale has not budged this week.

SO, NOT GIVING UP! I promised the Mind Body nutritionist that if 4 Hour Body was not successful I would try the DASH diet recommended through the Mind Body Program

So I am going to try the DASH Diet with working out and an 1800 calorie goal. We decided that my calorie goal last time I tried the counting might have been too low. So we are experimenting with calorie goals.

Also, this week begins intensive physical training for my Ruth Climb on June 25th - lots of strength to build and goals to meet on that front.

So - 219.6 and holding. Trying new diet and WAY more exercise. I am TOTALLY keeping the kettle bells - however. Amazing amounts of fun, not time-consuming and I need to make big strides in upper body strength.


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Going down fast...

Well, I'm 219.6 today - made it past the "magick" number of 220 for the first time in over three years. Sure - the flu doesn't hurt, but I will take it where I can get it. I'm eating, I'm drinking, I'm keeping it all down for two days, so I'm OK, and I'm lighter. Is it cheating when you're sick?

Juniper is still pretty sick. She is still puking and has diarrhea. I hope she's well soon - we have a big trip planned for this weekend and I have snack at her school tomorrow. If worse comes to worse I could deliver snack to school and get another mom to serve it but I would just rather go to school. My dad's wife arrives on the plan tonight and was going to school with us also - I really want that to work out because the girls hate to miss school!

OK - so there you have it. I'm a little tired, much lighter than last week and I have a sick kid. That's the Readers Digest version.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Most Tired Loser

well, I'm 221.2 today, thanks to the stomach flu. I've eaten one meal in the last 36 hours. Le sigh. And I am not able to work out at all because I'm really fatigued. And, my house looks like a bus hit it because I got sick right after the birthday party ended. I sure hope my energy comes back soon because I have a ton of stuff to do, two crews out through Thursday and my dad's wife lands @ SeaTac tomorrow @ 11PM. So this house has to look a LOT different by then. Ugh.

At least I did not get sick on the trip to Orcas. We should all be mostly well by then. BTW - I do not recommend getting stomach flu to lose weight. It's not pretty. Although..... it did wipe out an orgy of a cheat day. Man that was fun. I am so glad that I waited to cheat until the birthday party. And seeing how great Durin looks was a great source of inspiration for me. Thanks Durin!

At least I'm able to type today. Yesterday I sent one email and it was huddled over the computer shivering and wrapped in a duvet. I wore two duvets last night so I wasn't freezing while I slept. Super ugh. But, I do feel a little better today. Man that stuff is nasty!

OK - later gators.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thaz right....

As Kai Rizdal would say..... "Let's do the numbers....."

(Queue "We're n the Money" by Billie Holiday)

221.8 - down 1.6 pounds since last cheat day, which was 8 days ago. It's not "Biggest Loser" ind of losing, but it is losing for real! YIP YIP!

And today is June and LoLo's birthday party. Outta sight!

Did I tell you guys that I was thinking of adding back my cardio? Well, I am. Because I like it and I miss it.

I've also been issued a challenge to learn to do a pull up. I shall learn. Anyone up for helping me with this?

Love love love,


Thursday, March 31, 2011

I will keep moving forward

I am not going to give up. I'm at 224 right now. I'd have to lose .8 pounds by Sunday to break even, and 1.8 or more to show a net loss. But, my cycle started today, so that should help. But my energy is not so good during this time. Normally I would be doing emotional eating right now because of the moods swings. But not this time. And, I won't quit. This is just one week in the rest of my life. And I have a goal to meet.

I did 96 kettle bell lifts today over 3 sets. I'm feeling it. I also did three sets of 45 crunches. Feeling that, too. It takes no time at all compared to what I was doing in the past, and I'm hoping (that's what the book promises) better results. Seeing as 45 minutes of elliptical with free weights three to four times a week with calorie counting didn't do that much. I know this is working better.

One of my friends saw me last night after three weeks and was like, "WOW - you look awesome!" It's been a long time since someone told me I look awesome. Sniff sniff. Such a good friend (:

Thanks for reading - talk to you again tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I'm following the plan......

.... even though right now I'm a little down at the results. BUT, I have to remember two things in particular. Well, three actually:

It's my pre-something something mumble mumble week. And I'm supposed to be retaining water that week. So there you go. Slowed progress.

Two - I swung kettle bells yesterday. This time I do not feel nearly as sore so I think I'l work out harder tomorrow and try to swing more times. Even the same amount of crunches did not hurt this time, so I'm building muscle, which weighs more than fat.

And three - I ate a little cheese yesterday. And the day before. Bad Benni.

Also, the farther I go into this book, the more I notice that there are TONS of little rules on what you should do and don't do and not really just 5 rules at all. Like you're supposed to drink grapefruit juice 20 minutes before the second meal on cheat day and do these crazy little exercises before each meal and the first meal is not anything you want but a high protein meal (which I've been doing, BTW), etc etc etc. BUT, as long as I continue to lose 1 - 2 total pounds per week I like the concept and I will stick with it. So I will have to make it back down to 222.4 or lower for that to take place. That rate of weight loss is also what is recommended by the nutritionist that I talk to through the Mind and Body Program. Right now I am weighing in at 225.4. That is what happens normally after each cheat day, and as I said before, with my "time" coming up it is entirely possible that I won't get the results that I'm hoping for this week and will have to wait out the hormonal stuff before my weight goes down again.

So I will keep with it and know that if I journal my food and water intake and continue my workouts three x a week that I will see results aplenty over time. No magic bullets. No instant cures.

OK - love to all.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was...

I got sad last night, and I had a relapse that meant that I did not lose any weight overnight. When I get sad I overdo it. And I did. And I feel tired this morning and not super joyful. I'm hoping to turn that around. There's a lot to love and a lot to look forward to. Today's a brand new day - a chance to start over. And I didn't gain weight from it. I just didn't budge the scale. It's OK - worse things could happen. Still working on the sad part so we will see.

My muscles also feel much better, so I can resume training on Monday. Looking forward to it.

It's Cheat Day - have fun out there (: